So I promised a post that would summarize the past few months of marketing strategy, Facebook pages and analytics. This is that post; it will give an overview and link to the other posts.  As usual, if you want help with any of this stuff, just contact us – we work in small, reasonable chunks of consulting and development.

Web Marketing Strategy

The point of the few posts on this are to devise a relatively high-level strategy to get folks started on good marketing. The point of good marketing is communicating clearly and effectively. That’s it. Good marketing isn’t to trick people into anything, its to help them understand what you offer. So, here’s what you should make clear:

  1. What problem you solve
  2. How you solve it
  3. What is special about the way your solve it

You also want to make sure that you understand your audience and what appeals to them.  In many cases this means designing your website to speak specifically to types of people or market segments.  For more information, stay tuned, and check out the posts tagged as Web Marketing.

Analytics & Tracking

The really key thing for analytics and tracking is to make sure that you are running a package that tells you:

  1. Who referred people to your site.
  2. How many of them came.
  3. What they did on your site.

From those 3 things you can tell what interests people have, what sites and phrases are bringing them to your site, and what they are trying to find when they are there.  Google analytics does this perfectly – for more information check out the posts tagged Web Analytics.

Facebook Pages and Social Media

You can (and should) set up a Facebook Page for your business to keep it separate from your personal profile.  You should be conscientious about what you put in the public arena (you are what you publish) – you wouldn’t expect to run around naked in public without consequences, and you shouldn’t run around the web that way either.  For more information about setting up a Facebook page and connecting  a blog toFacebook and  Twitter, or on social media strategy.  Check out those posts tagged Social Media.

Ok so there’s the over-view.  We will get back into using analytics, technical tricks, great open-source packages and more in the future.